COVID-19 Update

Greetings Loyal Clients!

Hopefully you are all coping successfully with the challenges facing us all because of COVID-19.
In my previous post I promised to do everything possible to keep your websites maintained and to make sure that costs incurred to keep your hosting, domain names, and email addresses active would be paid.

I realize that the tourism industry is taking a beating this spring and will continue to do so for the upcoming summer and fall seasons! This will likely impact your ability to pay your annual website hosting and maintenance invoices. I am holding to my word to “help relieve the burden of any outstanding and/or upcoming invoices you may have with Moran Dan Productions.

Since I do have to keep paying the bills to keep your websites, etc. online, I have decided to offer this relief in the way of manageable monthly payments instead of expecting you to pay your annual invoices in one lump sum.

Those of you who have outstanding invoices, even if they were issued before COVID-19, will be sent revised invoices showing the monthly payment option. Others whose billing periods are coming up in the near future will receive invoices that offer you the option to pay monthly.

My sincere hope is that this arrangement will provide you with at least some reduction in your financial stress level at this time!

Best wishes!

Virginia Bergmann
Moran Dan Productions

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