Your Website and COVID-19

Dear Valued Client,

I hope this finds you and yours well and coping with this extraordinary situation we all find ourselves in!
As your web hosting provider and maintainer, I thought I should touch base and fill you in on how the Covid-19 situation relates to your all-important business website.
I am pleased to assure you that Moran Dan Productions’ mandate at this time is to ensure, to the best of our ability, that your website, your domain name(s) and email addresses (where applicable) remain active. This will include my keeping up with the necessary server charges and renewal payments for these.
These are such uncertain times for everyone, and trying to juggle the financial situation along with everything else can be worrisome to say the least.
I understand completely what is on the horizon for the tourism industry for the coming season, so, I have decided to help relieve the burden of any outstanding and/or upcoming invoices you may have with Moran Dan Productions until further notice.

Good health to you and yours!

Virginia Bergmann, ‘Staying the blazes home’
Moran Dan Productions

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