Yes, we design all our clients’ websites to be ‘search engine optimized’ and as a bonus, your website benefits from the excellent exposure of our own websites that you are automatically linked to. The minute you are linked to, for example, (which enjoys top placement in search engines), your site will then be catalogued on Google’s very next crawl through the web. Search engines scan your webpage and gather the words within each page into their databases. You can help us help the search engine to give you higher rankings by choosing the wording for your main page carefully. Select words and phrases that you want to be found in searches with. i.e. If you are a B&B on the waterfront in Louisbourg, be sure to say so, so that if someone is searching for a “B&B on the waterfront in Louisbourg”, it will be sure to come up near the top of the results. Put yourself in the traveller’s mind and come up with the words people will be using to find a business like yours.
Posted in: 1. Website Development